VIDEO: What is ACORN? Why is ACORN Associated With Voter Fraud – Does Obama Have An ACORN Connection

ACORN stands for Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.

ACORN is a liberal Organization that has come to National Attention for its Political Activities. Activities that include questionable voter registration practices and campaigning for liberal candidates. ACORN uses TAX money to fund many of these activites. 

Barack Obama was once the Attorney for ACORN. While Obama was Chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, the CAC provided funds for ACORN’s Voter Registration Activities.  Obama provided training to ACORN workers who are frequently misrepresented as “Volunteers” – ACORN pays for its Voter Registration Activities. ACORN, which receives partial taxpayer funding, uses those funds to conduct solicitations for contributions to Political Campaigns. In Philadelphia alone ACORN has raised over $800,000 Dollars for Barack Obama’s Campaign. 

UPDATE: How ACORN will benefit from the Bailout –

ACORN’S History in Voter Fraud Scandals 

State of Washington Voter Fraud 

ACORN: The worst case of voter-registration fraud in Washington state history. . A PDF Copy of the Settlement can be viewed at this site – the agreement states that fraudulent voter registrations were gathered and submitted illegally.


ACORN workers were criminally indicted and later concivted of voter fraud. These convictions came as part of a Federal Investigation.  “There is some motive behind it — this is not accidental,” said Ray James with the Kansas City Election Board. Election officials said some of the application cards had false addresses, signatures and phone numbers. the announcement of criminal charges came after the King County Canvassing Board revoked 1,762 allegedly fraudulent voter registrations submitted by ACORN employees.

Feds To Probe Voter Registration Problems, Election Director Calls 15,000 Registrations Problematic, Kansas City election officials say thousands of questionable voter registration cards have been turned in by the same group whose efforts have been criticized in St. Louis. Kansas City election director Ray James said the U.S. attorney and Jackson County prosecutor’s office have been asked to investigate registrations collected by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, known as ACORN. James said more than 15,000 registrations have problems such as duplicates, questionable or unreadable information, or names, addresses and Social Security numbers that don’t match existing records. 



Ohio is Part of Larger Pattern: ACORN’s recent run-in with the Franklin County elections board for allegedly turning in falsified voter registration cards is only the latest in a long-standing pattern of dubious elections practices. ACORN employees have been accused of submitting bogus voter registration cards and forging signatures on ballot initiatives in 12 states since 2004. 

In addition to Ohio, ACORN employees have been accused of illegal elections practices in New Mexico, Colorado, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Virginia among others. Here are just a few examples of ACORN’s pattern and practice of fraud associated with their campaigns:

NEW MEXICO                                                                                                          Over 1,000 fake voter registration cards have been turned in in New Mexico and 6,000 cards remain to be examined.

In 2005, during an effort to put an initiative on the ballot in Albuquerque, New Mexico, ACORN employees forged thousands of fraudulent signatures. Following their voter registration drive in 2004, a state Representative stated that ACORN was “manufacturing voters” throughout New Mexico.


Inquiry finds evidence of fraud in election, ballots cast outnumber voters by 4,609. (Thats right, 4,609 votes more then there were voters) Investigators said Tuesday they found clear evidence of fraud in the Nov. 2 election in Milwaukee, including more than 200 cases of felons voting illegally and more than 100 people who voted twice, used fake names or false addresses or voted in the name of a dead person. “Clearly, there is proof that fraud took place in the November 2 election,” Walker said.

Milwaukee’s top election official said Thursday she plans to seek criminal investigations of 10 more voter registration workers, including two accused of offering gifts to sign up voters. Most of the suspect workers appear to have falsified driver’s license numbers, Social Security numbers or other information on voter registration cards, Election Commission Executive Director Sue Edman said. Counting the latest group, Edman will have referred 49 voter registration workers this month to Milwaukee County Assistant District Attorney Bruce Landgraf for possible prosecution. Milwaukee police are looking at the evidence to determine whether criminal charges are warranted against the workers, Landgraf said. All the workers were paid by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). Among the latest group, two ACORN workers are accused of offering pre-paid gasoline cards or restaurant gift cards to people in exchange for signing up to vote. The Presidential Election in Wisconsin was decided by 11,000 votes in 2004. The Democratic Governor of Wisconsin has vetoed a “Voter ID Law” that would limit this type of fraud.

Louisiana see: ,


CBS Reports on Voter Fraud In Philadelphia here: Fraud Charges Against ACORN, New Allegations Hound Voting Rights Group: Philadelphia’s municipal voter registration office has rejected about 3,000 cards submitted by ACORN — the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now — since April because of missing information or invalid addresses.


Voter Fraud – 200,000 new registrations – Registration Clerks all across Michigan question validity of ACORN registrations.

Denver, Colorado

ACORN Voter Fraud Here:


“In what could be the only major organizational endorsement before the May convention in the 5th Congressional District race, the Minnesota ACORN PAC today endorsed state Rep. Keith Ellison to succeed U.S. Rep. Martin Sabo.” “A man who was arrested in late September with hundreds of filled-out voter registration cards in the trunk of his car pleaded guilty Monday in Hennepin County District Court to two felonies. ACORN doesn’t just submit fraudulant Voter Registration, ACORN campaigns for Candidates.

Government over-sight of the election process is nearly as abyssmal as the over sight was for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Barack Obama has close and continuing ties to ACORN. If you believe in free and fair elections – demand reform now. 


8 Responses

  1. […] and how about the fact that Obama was an attorney for ACORN… (read here also) Barack Obama was once the Attorney for ACORN. While Obama was Chairman of […]

  2. This is incredible information. While Obama sat in that meeting in the Whitehouse, did he know that some of the bailout rpoceeds would be going directly, or indirectly to ACORN. Is Lindsay Graham telling the truth?

  3. President Acorn, how does that sound. A corrupt man from Chicago who has walked the crooked mile is now trying to socialise America.

  4. […] year is no exception.  Much of the current controversy has surrounded groups like ACORN, which is a “community organizing” group that has a history of supporting Voter Fraud.  ACORN is particularly interesting this year due to Obama’s long-standing connections with […]

  5. Oh my God! I am with Lindsay Graham, “What the *#@$%**&# …??!!

  6. Very good information. Excellent page.

  7. […] the past, they have been convicted of voter fraud, and today, they are at it […]

  8. Has any member of ACORN ever been convicted of practices that led to voter fraud. I don’t mean “investigated,” or “suspected of.” I mean convicted. I searched the Internet and have found damned few. There have been plenty of accusations, but damned few convictions.
    McAuley’s World – Yes there have been convictions and consent “judgements” where the ACORN officials have admitted guilt. Read the article again and check the links – Are you a paid ACORN Blogger? The facts are in surmountable. Congress has finally scheduled hearings.

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