The Ground Zero Imam – Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf; The Wrong Man, The Wrong Mosque, The Wrong Place, The Wrong Time…

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf  – Bridge Builder or Defender of the Islamic Faith – Extremists and Non-extremist alike

The Main Stream Media is at it again … blindly supporting Obama’s twisted logic ….

How many times have you heard the various Main Stream Media Pundits parrot the following statement, “Everyone agrees there is a “Constitutional Right” to build a Mosque at Ground Zero…

[If you are not familiar with the “Ground Zero memorial Park see: Rise of Freedom: Bringing Life to Ground Zero – First Trees for Ground Zero Memorial Park Start Journey ]

Being a bit of a Constitutional buff, I’d think someone in the MSM would ask the Constitutional Law Instructor in Chief where that “right” is enumerated in our Constitution. (That is correct, he was never a “Professor” – the correct term for his position was “lecturer”).

St Nicholas Church Moments Before Collapse OF WTC

Look it up for yourself, there is no such guarantee in the Constitution. Not even if the “church” owns the property as the President suggested and if the “church” meets and follows all local laws and ordinances.

If there were a Constitutional Right to build a house of worship, one might think that it would apply to all “houses of worship” equally … wouldn’t you … then again this is the Obama Administration and this Administration has a set of rules it applies like no other Administration in the history of the United States. 

 St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church 

 Let me introduce you to the Parish of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, located at 155 Cedar Street, in New York City. St Nicholas Church was founded in 1919 when 5 Greek families bought a local Tavern and it’s property to establish the St. Nicholas Parish. The families paid $25,000 for the property; a vast sum of money in 1919. The Parish served the local community continuously from 1919 until 9/11/2001 when, after the attack on the WTC, Tower #2 collapsed on the Church and obliterated it. 

With this “magical” Constitutional right invoked for the Mosque, I’m confused as to why St. Nicholas hasn’t been “granted permission” to rebuild. Why do they need “permission” …. I thought it was a Constitutional right …

This isn’t a “new” church … it was an existing Church …a Church with an 80 year history of serving the local community before 9/11.

The Constitutional Right 

What are they talking about … some mythical “freedom to build a house of  worship” … there is no such thing.   

We are a Country of “limited rights” – we have “freedom of religion” , but you can’t stand and pray on the steps of the Supreme Court building … we have “Freedom of Speech” but you can’t sing the National Anthem on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial … “Freedom of Religion” but you can’t hold a prayer vigil in front of an abortion clinic … “Freedom of Religion”, but you can only take one wife at a time, doesn’t matter what your religion states… “Freedom of Speech”, but you can’t shout “fire” in a crowded movie theatre … we are a Country of limited rights …

Have you tried putting up a public Christmas display or singing a “Christmas Carol” at City Hall during Christmas Holiday?

Ground Zero Photo Map - Click To Enlarge - WTC 7 Top Center - Mosque is 1 block up W Broadway from Barclay

The Memorial Park at Ground Zero 

The “memorial park” at ground zero is a “public cemetery’…  despite what the press may be trying to sell you … significant restrictions are imposed on structures and businesses around cemeteries … The Mosque will broadcast the “Muslim call to prayer” from speakers  5 times a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year …  a substantial burden to place on non-Muslims who wish to “worship” or “pay their respects” at Ground Zero … a Mosque can be located anywhere … Islamic terrorists created Ground Zero and Ground Zero cannot be moved …

Islamic call to prayer

The adhān (Arabic: ‎ Azan/Ezan is the Islamic call to prayer, recited by the muezzin. The root of the word is “to permit”, and another derivative of this word is “ear”.

Adhan is called out by the muezzin in the mosque, sometimes from a minaret, five times a day, summoning Muslims for mandatory  (fard) prayers (salah).

Map: Path Taken By Landing Gear Which Crashed Through the Roof Of Building To Be Replaced By Mosque - 1 Block From Ground Zero

The main purpose behind the loud pronouncement of adhan five times a day in every mosque is to make available to everyone an easily intelligible summary of Islamic belief. It is intended to bring to the mind of every believer and non-believer the substance of Islamic beliefs, or its spiritual ideology. Loudspeakers are sometimes installed on minarets for the purpose. 

The Islamic call to prayer is an act of proselytizing … an act of recruitment … an act or attempt to convert as a proselyte … the “call to prayer” is designed to do just that … it is the specific intent of “the call” …

The United States has a proud history of allowing religious groups to proselytize … or recruit, however, the right to do so stops at the door of  another religions’ house of worship and at the front gate of any Memorial Garden … but I wouldn’t suggest you hold your breath waiting for the Obama Administration to send out the DOJ to enforce these restrictions on the proposed Mosque … just as I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for the DOJ to ask about the delay in granting St. Nicholas Church the right to rebuild …  


    Transliteration Translation
    Allahu Akbar God is the greatest/most great
    Ash-had an la ilaha illa llah I testify that there is no deity except for God
    Ash-hadu anna Muħammadan rasulullah I testify that Muhammad is a Messenger of God
    Hayya ‘ala-salatt Make haste towards the prayer
    Hayya ‘ala ‘l-falah Make haste towards success (reward)
    Al-salatu khayru min an-nawm Prayer is better than sleep
    Allāhu akbar God is the greatest!
    La ilaha illallah There is no deity except for God


Transliteration Translation
Allahu Akbar The God is greater than any description
Ash-hadu allā ilāha illaha illa llāh I testify that there is no deity except for The God
Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan-rasūlu llāh I testify that Muhammad is a Messenger of The God
Ash-hadu anna Aliya wali-ul-lah I testify witness that Ali is the vice regent of God
Hayya ‘alas-salāt Make haste towards the prayer
Hayya ‘alal-falāh Make haste towards the worship
Hayya- al Khair al amal Make haste towards the best thing
Allah-u Akbar The God is the greatest!
Lā ilāha illallāh There is no deity except for The God

A beautiful video of the “Call to Prayer” – 8 minutes long – but no matter the beauty, no matter the reverence – no matter the sincerity – it is simply impermissible to subject those non Muslim’s “praying” or “paying their respects” at the Ground Zero Memorial Garden to the intrusive announcement and proselytizing of the Muslim call to prayer – 5 times a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year … especially in light of the fact that these are the very same words that preceded the deaths of the loved ones entombed at Ground Zero… The Mosque can be located anywhere … despite our best efforts we can’t locate all the bodies ….  

The main purpose behind the loud pronouncement …  It is intended to bring to the mind of every believer and non-believer the substance of Islamic beliefs, or its spiritual ideology.

Final Transmissions from AAL Flight 11 Boston to Los Angeles:  

8:31:04   Flight makes contact with Boston control center.
8:37:08   Controller asks pilots to look for a lost American Airlines plane: “Do you have traffic look at uh your twelve to one o’clock at about uh ten miles south bound to see if you can see an american seventy six seven out there please.”
UAL175 “Affirmative we have him uh he looks uh about twenty yeah about twenty nine twenty eight thousand.“
Controller: “United 175 turn five turn thirty degrees to the right I (want to) keep you away from this traffic.”
8:41:32                   Cockpit: “We figured we’d wait to go to your center, we heard a suspicious transmission on our depature out of Boston. Someone keyed the mike and said ‘everyone stay in your seats’.”
Cockpit: “it cut out.”
Flight transmits “Did you copy that?” (Controller on land line).
Flight turns toward the southwest, with ATC clearance.
8:46:18   Transponder signal no longer received.
8:53:23   Controller: “ . . . we may have a hijack, we have some problems over here right now.”
9:00:02   Last radar reading is observed at an altitude of 18,000 feet as the flight is descending at a ground speed of 480 knots.
9:01   Allahu Akbar
9:03   Plane crashes into south tower of World Trade Center.

Excerpts from flight 91 Flight Recorder: The New York Times, April 12, 2006 By David Stout 

“Ladies and gentlemen: here the captain,” a heavily accented voice begins over a constant crackle. “Please sit down, keep remaining seating. We have a bomb on board, so sit.”

“No more! No more!” someone says in the background. “No, no, no, no…”

“In the name of Allah, the most merciful, the most compassionate,” a hijacker says early on.

“No, no, no, no…” someone says moments later.

“Go ahead, lie down. Lie down. Down, down, down.”

“No more,” someone says seconds later. “Please, please, please, ” someone says. “Please, please, don’t hurt me.”

“I don’t want to die,” says one person, apparently a woman.

“No, no. Down, down, down, down, down, down,” another voice says.

“No, no, please.”

Moments later, about six minutes after the plane was seized, a hijacker says in Arabic, “Everything is fine. I finished.”

“Yes,” someone replies in Arabic.

While it may never be certain what that exchange hinted, a chilling possibility was offered on Tuesday, when information was offered about the nearly 40 telephone calls that Flight 93 passengers attempted during the ordeal. Not all calls went through. One that did was from Marion Britton, a passenger, to a friend. Ms. Britton told her the plane had been hijacked.

“Don’t worry,” the friend consoled. “They’ll probably take you to another country.”

“Two passengers have had their throats cut,” Ms. Britton replied.

The chant “Allah is the greatest!” is uttered nine times in Arabic, moments later, the jet crashes …

At 9:35, a woman prosecutors identified as a flight attendant begs for her life.

“I don’t want to die,” she pleads.

“No, no, down, down,” a hijacker responds.

“I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die,” she repeats.

Loud female cries then are heard on the tape.

“Everything is fine. I finished,” a hijacker says in Arabic…

Inside the cockpit the hijackers decide to crash the plane. “Pull it down. Pull it down,” an Arabic voice says. The jetliner heads downward and rolls.

“Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest!” one of the hijackers shouts over and over again.

Tell me again Imam, whose hands are covered in blood …

11/05/2009 Major Nidal Hassanmurders 13 at Ft. Hood in Killeen Texas – Hasan reportedly jumped onto a desk and shouted: Allahu Akbar, before firing more than 100 rounds at soldiers processing through cubicles in the center, and on a crowd gathered for a college graduation ceremony scheduled for 2 p.m. in a nearby theater .


Japanese Officer Beheads Prisoner WWII

Islam – Muslim Jihad / Japan – Shinto Militarism

 A deeper, more thorough understanding of Jihadism, can be obtained if one studies the religious pragmatism of Japan and the utilization of the Shinto religion by Japan’s “militarists” between the 17th and 19th centuries.,1518,474092-2,00.html

To the Jihadist, the Prophet Mohammed’s words directs one’s actions … In Japan, the “Prophet” was the Japanese Emperor. In Japan the Emperor was God’s representative on earth …

In Japan, the “faithful” preceded the Emperor shouting “Banzai”, “Banzai”, “Banzai” …. “Banzai” being a “prayer” that the Emperor live and reign 10,000 years … later “heroic imperial soldiers met their deaths crying “Tenno banzai” – “10,000 lives for the Tenno.” 

I don’t believe the Japanese were promised virgins in the next life…         

Al-Shebab Beheads 7 "Christian Spies"

Not so long ago every American recognized the term “Banzai” as the term uttered by our Japanese foes in World War II as they launched suicidal charges against our land troops or crashed their planes on the decks of our Navy ships …  suicide attacks by military personnel against military targets … not attacks against unarmed civilians …

At the end of World War II, the Shinto religion lost its status as the “official” religion of Japan; however, the Shinto religion remained Japan’s largest. The Shinto religion is recognized in the United States and there are “Shinto Temples” located across the United States.

No one would ever suggest that it would be appropriate to locate a Shinto Shrine, never mind that some mythical “Constitutional Right” existed to establish a “Shinto Shrine” on the shores of Pearl Harbor where the chant of “Banzai, Banzai, Banzai” would echo across the waters on a daily basis; the waters where so many American serviceman remain entombed.

The Constitution – When Religious Beliefs Collide

I want you to stop and imagine for a moment that the “Bosnian Killing Fields”, where 8,000 Muslims were murdered in cold blood, were located in upstate New York instead of Srebrenica. Next imagine that a Christian Group announced plans to build a Community Center and Church on the “Killing Fields”, you know, to help build bridges between the ‘groups” and that loud speakers would adorn the “Center” and broadcast the “Rosary” across the fields, five times a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year …. Who would be protesting that exercise of “Freedom of Religion” …. the permits to build would be denied outright, and the denial would be applauded not protested …. 

Criminal Investigators Unearth Mass Grave In Bosnia


The Genocide In Dafur, Sudan – A Decade of Genocide By Islamic Extremists

Read this excerpt from 10/10/2006…

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – Two years have passed since then-Secretary of State Colin Powell reported to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that genocide was being committed in Darfur, Sudan. Samuel Totten awakes in the middle of the night sometimes and remembers the accounts of rape, torture and slayings that he documented while spending two weeks in 2004 at refugee camps in neighboring Chad.

Despite Powell’s assessment, the international community has done little to stop the killing and brutalization or help the people of Darfur, Totten lamented. Government of Sudan troops and Arab militia known as Janjaweed attacked village after village of black Africans

Since 2003, the genocidal conflict in Darfur has devastated millions of non-combatant civilians and resulted in the death of at least 200,000 people. As of 2010, Sudan continues to direct its troops and proxy Janjaweed militias to systematically destroy the livelihoods of Darfuris by bombing and burning villages, looting economic resources, and murdering, raping, and torturing non-combatant civilians.

Imam  Feisal Abdul Rauf  – Bridge Builder or Defender of the Islamic Faith – Extremists and Non-extremist alike

 April 2, 2010 in The American Muslim …. oh my, the Imam won’t even admit that genocide has taken place or is taking place in Dafur … no mention of Muslim extremists … wow, what a middle of the road type of guy …. I’m sure the people of Sudan would be impressed… sounds like the type of guy that would hesitate before condemning the terrorist organization HAMAS … Remember the date 04/02/2010 … you’ll read it again shortly …

(For a PDF Version Visit: The Ground Zero Mosque – Obama’s Twisted Logic – Facts From Fiction – Photo Maps/Photos/Maps )

… and consider this  from March 26, 2010

Cordoba Initiative Unveils New Push in Sudan

Organization to Focus on Elections, US-Sudan Relations and Other Challenges and Opportunities

NEW YORK – The Cordoba Initiative (CI), a leading global civil society organization promoting understanding between the Muslim world and the West, announced on Monday a major new initiative to help improve relations between the US and Sudan. “There is now an opportunity for the US and Sudan to fundamentally change their relationship,” said Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, Chairman of CI. “This will help each nation achieve its goals. It is also a way to build goodwill between the West and the Muslim world.

(For a PDF Version Visit: The Ground Zero Mosque – Obama’s Twisted Logic – Facts From Fiction – Photo Maps/Photos/Maps )

The Imam should stop the political BS and admit that the genocide is taking place … The Nazi’s denied the genocide in WWII, the Bosnian’s denied the genocide until the mass graves were uncovered  (some even continued to deny the genocide after forensic analysis of the graves were completed) …. the genocide in Sudan will not stop until the Sudanese Government and its “defenders” and “supporters”, Imam Rauf included, admit that the genocide is taking place and demand that it stop … the best way to “create goodwill” is to stop the raping, torturing and murdering of black African villagers in their own villages… the first step to “goodwill” is to stop the atrocities, not deny their existence… 

The Crisis in Dafur – Islamic Racism – The North/South Divide

The New York Times (15 May 2004) said that many of the racist attitudes traditionally directed toward slaves have been redirected to the sedentary non-Arab  racist ideology plays an important part of the Genocide, the sharp distinctions between Arabs and Africans in the racially mixed Darfur region had not been drawn (as much) until the ideology of pan-Arabism that came out of the Libya made itself felt. Some of the nomadic sheiks of the region came to see themselves as the avatars of Arabism, the authentic representatives of their Bedouin origins. They foisted a racial label on a farming people whose way of life they simultaneously disdained and felt threatened by. Blacks in Sudan are seen as inferior to the Arabs, the racism, racial sentiments against non-Arabs have been used & manipulated by the central government. The Christian Science Monitor asserts that racism is at root of Sudan’s Darfur crisis, that reluctance to call it genocide perpetuates hypocrisy in Afro-Arab relations, “Arab militias is the racist, fundamentalist, and undemocratic Sudanese state”  those who call themselves Arabs point to Arab ancestors who arrived as traders both before and after the arrival of Islam, and who gradually converted local Sudanese to the Islamic faith. president Nimeiry of Sudan, said in 1969: “Sudan is the basis of the Arab thrust into the heart of Black Africa, the Arab civilizing mission.” This genocide has been described as an example of Arab racism at its worst.

The Arab Gathering, a shadowy Nazi type brotherhood deeply embedded in the Bashir regime, preaches a doctrine of Arab supremacy and a Sudan “cleansed” of non-Arabs.  Der Spiegel wrote that the Sudanese regime uses tribal conflicts and Arab racism.

Reread Imam Rauf’s “letters”, then reread the comments made by the NYT, the Christian Science Monitor and Der Spiegel … are they even referring to the same “conflict”… the same “Sudan” ….

 “Beware the wolf in sheep’s clothing” …  a tale from Aesop, the Greek, 600 years before the birth of the Christ and 1200 years before the birth of the Prophet Mohammed…  


The Janjaweed, a militia armed by the Sudanese government, are pastoral Arab tribesmen who have long despised the black African farmers who practice settled agriculture. They are described as “a grotesque mixture of the mafia and the Ku Klux Klan”, a journalist on CNN says. “These guys have a racist ideology that sees the Arab population as the supreme population that would like to see the subjugation of non-Arab peoples. They’re criminal racketeers that have been supported very directly by the government to wage the war against the people of Darfur.”, from PBS: “blatant racism and a political ideology known as “Arab supremacism” also fuel the Janjaweed’s agenda.” who “are cleaning the land of non-Arabs.”, the BBC: “Arab militias of a campaign of ethnic cleansing against non-Arab locals.”, the US State Department in 2005 report on Sudan’s Human Rights Practices : “The government continued to support the largely Arab nomad janjaweed militia”and that Darfurians were “threatened with death, and subjected to racial epithets during attacks.”, the attackers “call non-Arab Africans “abid” or slave, and zurga, which means Black, but is used as a racial slur.” There were reports (See: The Guardian 20 Jul, 2004) of Arab women singers complicit in rape, “While African women in Darfur were being raped by the Janjaweed militiamen, Arab women stood nearby and sang for joy.”

Imam Rauf, let us forget about “building goodwill”, let us get down to “brass tacks” … call the evil acts what they are … “evil”. Call the “evil speech” what it is, “evil”, and call for an end to the evil now …… don’t hesitate, don’t parse your words, don’t try to shift the blame … a moderate man does not turn a blind eye to evil … there is nothing moderate about denying evil nor is there moderation in defending the evil actions of others because they share your faith …

Now Imam, that isn’t what you do … in every instance you place blame outside the pale of Islamic barbarism … the barbaric attack on the World Trade Center, the barbarism of genocide in Dafur, Sudan… different people, different continents … same barbarism ….

Tell me Imam about the blood on the hands of the poor African villagers in Dafur, just how did they offend Islam … by being alive?

Genocide Arrest Warrant Poster - Sudanese President

Central Park Rally - Save Dafur - Stop Genocide Now

From Amnesty International

Support the International Criminal Court: Justice Now for the Women and Girls of Darfur

Thousands of girls and women have been raped and subjected to other forms of sexual violence in Darfur. Inquiries by the Prosecutor of the ICC identified “high numbers of…mass rapes and other forms of extremely serious gender violence”, and a U.N. Commission of Inquiry found that these abuses amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity. However, authorities in Sudan have refused to comply with ICC requests or otherwise allow the Court to conduct investigations in Darfur. 


April 02, 2010

(The same date as the Imam’s letter in The American Muslim – What a stark contrast. The U.N. is about to announce the withdrawal of the “Dafur Peace Keepers” and all Imam Rauf can say is, ““There is now an opportunity for the US and Sudan to fundamentally change their relationship”.  From a historical context, the Imams statement reminds me of Adolf Hitler speaking to Neville Chamberlin before German Troops marched into the Sudeten Land.

Next week, the UN Secretary-General’s report on the future of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad (MINURCAT) peacekeeping force in Eastern Chad will be released, outlining the withdrawal of peacekeeping troops in the Chad-Sudan border region (Dafur) visited by PHR researchers in 2008. The report  “Nowhere to Turn: Failure to Protect, Support and Assure Justice for Darfuri Women”, released by PHR in June 2009, outlined urgent human rights issues in Eastern Chad, including food insecurity, camp infrastructure, access to health and psychosocial care, and security for refugee families. Among the disturbing findings of our investigation was a 50% rate of rape or sexual assault reported by women interviewed by the PHR medical team.

Darfuri women live ‘nightmare,’ Harvard-backed study says

(CNN) — An American human rights group documenting widespread sexual violence against Darfuri women in Sudan and Chad has called for “vigorous prosecution of rape as a war crime.”

Physicians for Human Rights, based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, issued a report Sunday “documenting the scope and long-term impact of rape and other sexual violence” experienced by women who fled the war-torn Sudanese region of Darfur and now live as refugees in neighboring Chad.

The report — titled “Nowhere To Turn: Failure To Protect, Support and Assure Justice for Darfuri Women” — is based on interviews with 88 female refugees living in Chad’s Farchana refugee camp. The study was done with the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative.

[If you are not familiar with the “Ground Zero memorial Park see: Rise of Freedom: Bringing Life to Ground Zero – First Trees for Ground Zero Memorial Park Start Journey ]

Obama Administration/ Attorney General Holder & DOJ Stall 911 Terrorist Trial

US stalls on Sept. 11 trial for 5 at Gitmo

By BEN FOXThe Associated Press
Saturday, July 31, 2010; 3:07 PM

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — As the U.S. military prepares for the first war crimes trial under President Barack Obama, its most high-profile case against the planners of the Sept. 11 attacks is stuck in political and legal limbo.

Omar Khadr

Canadian prisoner Omar Khadr, accused of killing an American soldier during a raid on an al-Qaida compound, is scheduled to go to trial Aug. 9 at the U.S. base in Cuba.

But Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the professed mastermind of the attacks, and four alleged accomplices are still sequestered at Guantanamo without charges. The Obama administration, after months of review, hasn’t made a decision on whether to seek a military or civilian trial.

It’s a delay that has angered relatives of Sept. 11 victims. It also has created an unusual situation: Previous war-crimes proceedings, in which Mohammed boasted of his role in the attacks and said he wanted to plead guilty, have essentially been erased. No U.S. officials will say what the plans are for the five men who were transferred in 2006  to Guantanamo from secret CIA custody.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

“There’s no case, there’s no judge, there’s nothing,” said Navy Lt. Cmdr. Richard Federico, a military lawyer appointed to defend alleged plotter Ramzi bin al Shibh. “They are back into the black hole.”

Attorney General Eric Holder announced in November the trial would be moved to federal court in New York. But the administration backtracked and put the issue under review after local officials objected to the costs and potential security threat.

The military and justice department refer questions about the status to the White House, which said in March a decision was weeks away. An Obama administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told The Associated Press on Friday it is still reviewing the venue and forum for the trial.

Lawyers for the Sept. 11 defendants and other observers doubt an announcement will be made before November elections, because moving them to the United States and keeping them in Guantanamo for a military trial are both politically unpopular choices.

“Why would you want to pay this political price in the three months before this election which you are expecting to do badly in?” said Benjamin Wittes, a senior fellow and terrorism specialist at the Brookings Institution.

The administration official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the review is ongoing, said the election does not have any influence on the process. The official said the security and cost concerns of state and local officials in New York are being taken into account.

Dominic Puopolo Jr., a Miami computer consultant whose mother was killed in the Sept. 11 attacks, attended the trial in Germany of a Moroccan man accused of aiding the plotters and still hopes to see Mohammed and his co-defendants prosecuted as well – before the 10-year anniversary in 2011.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

“I’m incredibly disappointed with the way the Obama administration has handled this,” said Puopolo, whose mother was on board the American Airlines flight out of Boston that the hijackers crashed into the World Trade Center on Sept. 11.

During his presidential campaign, Obama criticized the war crimes tribunals, known as military commissions, that began under his predecessor. But he worked with Congress to adopt changes. He said he wants to keep the tribunals as an option for some prisoners, including Khadr, as part of a plan to close the Guantanamo detention center, where the U.S. holds about 175 men.

Even with the changes, the military commissions are unpopular with some Obama supporters. The American Civil Liberties Union said in a report Thursday that there have been “procedural improvements,” but the tribunals could still convict someone with hearsay evidence obtained coercively, or based on testimony from detainees who are not available for cross-examination.

In the Khadr case, critics oppose the war crimes trial because the defendant was 15 when he allegedly threw the grenade that killed U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Christopher Speer of Albuquerque, New Mexico, during a raid on a al-Qaida compound in Afghanistan in 2002.

“Unless the president ends this travesty of justice, the Obama military commissions will forever be remembered for prosecuting a child,” Army Lt. Col. Jon Jackson, Khadr’s Pentagon-appointed lawyer, said Saturday.

The military says it’s a war crimes case because he was not a legitimate soldier. Khadr faces up to life in prison if convicted of murder in a trial that could last several weeks.

The Sept. 11 case is vastly more complicated. For one thing it is a capital case, with nearly 3,000 victims. Legal experts say it’s unclear whether the rules of military commissions permit a defendant to plead guilty and be executed, as Mohammed and his co-defendants have indicated they want to do.

Wittes noted that any choice has potential costs – and potential policy benefits. A successful trial in federal court or the military commission would help clarify legal questions and create a framework for trying other Guantanamo prisoners, helping to close the detention center.

“There is nothing defensible about not making a decision and letting the issue fester,” he said.

911 Ground Zero

As the debate over what to do goes on behind closed doors, military lawyers still visit the Sept. 11 defendants, even though the men have said they want to act as their own lawyers during any trial.

Navy Lt. Cmdr. James Hatcher, meets every three weeks with his appointed client, Waleed bin Attash, a Yemeni who allegedly ran an al-Qaida training in Afghanistan, where two of the 19 hijackers were trained. He can’t provide any details under the security rules.

“It’s obviously in a holding pattern,” Hatcher said. “I can tell you we are preparing on both fronts, whether it goes to federal court or to military court.”

‘We are proud of September 11 attacks,’ accused terrorist tells Guantanamo Court

One of the men accused of being a key 9/11 plotter told the Guantanamo war crimes court yesterday: ‘We are proud of 9/11’.

spoke as the court convened in a chaotic session with some of the accused disrupting the proceedings,  while U.S. government lawyers debated whether an administrative hiccup meant they should not be facing any charges at all.

Ramzi Binshalibh

Defendant Ramzi Binalshibh

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the self-described mastermind of the Sept. 11 hijacked plane plot, tried unsuccessfully to banish all Americans from his defence table in the courtroom at the U.S. naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and complained when the judge asked him to limit his comments.

‘This is terrorism, not court. You don’t give us opportunity to talk,’ Mohammed told the judge, Army Col. Stephen Henley.

Mohammed complained when a prosecutor characterized the charges against him and four co-defendants as the ‘murder’ of nearly 3,000 innocent men, women and children.

But Mohammed, who has repeatedly acknowledged his guilt on charges that could lead to his, later told the court, ‘We don’t care about the capital punishment … we are doing jihad for the cause of God.’

Guantanamo Detention Center


Defendant Ramzi Binalshibh, whose mental competency to act as his own attorney is the subject of an ongoing challenge, told the court, ‘We did what we did and we are proud of this. We are proud of 9-11.’

05/27/2010 Homeland Security Reports: Terror Attacks On US At All Time High – Likely To Worsen

05/27/2010: Obama Adminstration Issues Terror Watch for the Texas/Mexico Border.

By Jana Winter: Published May 26, 2010 |

The Department of Homeland Security is alerting Texas authorities to be on the lookout for a suspected member of the Somalia-based Al Shabaab terrorist group who might be attempting to travel to the U.S. through Mexico, a security expert who has seen the memo tells

(McAuleysworld: Did DHS also warn Texas authorities not to ask the illegals crossing the border for their IDs?). 

The warning follows an indictment unsealed this month in Texas federal court that accuses a Somali man in Texas of running a “large-scale smuggling enterprise” responsible for bringing hundreds of Somalis from Brazil through South America and eventually across the Mexican border. Many of the illegal immigrants, who court records say were given fake IDs, are alleged to have ties to other now-defunct Somalian terror organizations that have merged with active organizations like Al Shabaab, al-Barakat and Al-Ittihad Al-Islami.

In 2008, the U.S. government designated Al Shabaab a terrorist organization. Al Shabaab has said its priority is to impose Sharia, or Islamic law, on Somalia; the group has aligned itself with Al Qaeda and has made statements about its intent to harm the United States.

In recent years, American Somalis have been recruited by Al Shabaab to travel to Somalia, where they are often radicalized by more extremist or operational anti-American terror groups, which Al Shabaab supports. The recruiters coming through the Mexican border are the ones who could be the most dangerous, according to law enforcement officials.

Security experts tell that the influx of hundreds of Somalis over the U.S. border who allegedly have ties to suspected terror cells is evidence of a porous and unsecured border being exploited by groups intent on wrecking deadly havoc on American soil.

The DHS alert was issued to police and sheriff’s deputies in Houston, asking them to keep their eyes open for a Somali man named Mohamed Ali who is believed to be in Mexico preparing to make the illegal crossing into Texas. Officials believe Ali has ties to Al Shabaab, a Somali terrorist organization aligned with Al Qaeda, said Joan Neuhaus Schaan, the homeland security and terrorism fellow at Rice University’s Baker Institute, who has seen the alert.

An indictment was unsealed in Texas federal court earlier this month that revealed that a Somali man, Ahmed Muhammed Dhakane, led a human smuggling ring that brought East Africans, including Somalis with ties to terror groups, from Brazil and across the Mexican border and into Texas. 

In a separate case, Anthony Joseph Tracy, of Virginia, who admitted to having ties to Al Shabaab, is currently being prosecuted for his alleged role in an international ring that illegally brought more than 200 Somalis across the Mexican border. Prosecutors say Tracy used his Kenya-based travel business as a cover to fraudulently obtain Cuban travel documents for the Somalis. The smuggled Somalis are believed to have spread out across the United States and remain mostly at large, court records show.

(McAuleysworld: I wonder how many of these terrorists headed straight to one of our “sanctuary cities” where they can safely hide until they are activated for the next 911 style attack?)

Somalis are classified by border and immigration officials as “special interest” — illegal immigrants who get caught trying to cross the Mexican border into the U.S. who come from countries that are considered a high threat to the U.S., Neuhaus Schaan explained.

DHS did not respond to multiple e-mail and phone requests for comment.

In addition to the Somali immigration issue, Mexican smugglers are coaching some Middle Eastern immigrants before they cross the border – schooling them on how to dress and giving them phrases to help them look and sound like Latinos, law enforcement sources told

“There have been a number of certain communities that have noticed this, villages in northern Mexico where Middle Easterners try to move into town and learn Spanish,” Neuhaus Schaan said. “People were changing there names from Middle Eastern names to Hispanic names.”
Security experts say the push by illegal immigrants to try to fit in also could be the realization of what officials have feared for years: Latin American drug cartels are helping jihadist groups bring terrorists across the Mexican border.

J. Peter Pham, senior fellow and director of the Africa Project at the National Committee on American Foreign Policy, said that for the past ten years there’s been suspicion by U.S. law enforcement that drug cartels could align with international terrorist organizations to bring would-be-jihadists into the U.S.

That kind of collaboration is already being seen in Africa, said Dr. Walid Phares, director of the Future Terrorism Project at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies.

McAuleysworld: Are they referring to Somalia, again, where international drug smuggling, human trafficking, piracy and Jihadism go hand in hand? My kudos to President William Jefferson Clinton, January 1993 –  January 2001, ( and his handling of  Mogadishu, Somalia in October 1993. Clinton’s withdrawal of U.S. troops from Somalia on March 31, 1994 left a “free field” for the Terrorists to over run and consolidate their control of the Country when Clinton ordered a “U.S. retreat and the surrender of Somalia” to the Terrorists. (

“Al Qaeda could easily say, “Ok, now we want your help getting these guys into the United States,” Phares said. “Eventually the federal government will pay more attention, but there is a window of time now where they can get anyone they want to get in already.”

Experts also say the DHS alert and recent court case highlights the threat of terrorists penetrating the Mexican/Texas border — and the growing threat of Somali recruitment efforts to bring Americans of Somali descent back to Somalia for jihadist training, creating homegrown terrorists.
Pham says the DHS alert comes too late. “They’re just covering themselves for the fact that DHS has been failing to date to deal effectively with this,” he said. “They’re already here.

Michael Weinstein, a political science professor at Purdue University and an expert on Somalia, said, “In the past year, it’s become obvious that there’s a spillover into the United States of the transnational revolutionaries in Somalia.”

“It’s something that certainly has to be watched, but I don’t think it’s an imminent threat,” he said. “This has to be put in context with people smuggling — everybody and their brother is getting into the United States through Mexico; I read last week that some Chinese were crossing, it’s just a big market.

Pham disagrees. “The real danger is ‘something along the lines of jihadist version of ‘find a classmate,’ he said, referring to Al Shabaab’s potential to set up sleeper cells in the U.S. “Most of them rely on personal referral and association. That type of social networking is not beyond their capabilities.”

Pham says the DHS alert is too little, too late.

“This is like shutting the barn door after the horses got away,” he said.

SPECIAL ALERT FROM McAULEYSWORLD TO AMERICA’S LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMUNITY: Remember this, when you encounter one of these terrorists crossing into our Country illegally, under no circumstance should you offend these individuals by asking to see identification. It doesn’t matter what the terrorists are bringing into the Country, be it illegal weapons or illegal drugs, don’t complicate their visit into our Country by asking for identification. I’d suggest you contact your local member of the “Progressive Law Enforcement Officers Association”, the organization that recently met with Attorney General Holder in opposition to the Arizona ID Law, and arrange transit to the nearest Sanctuary City where these “Progressives” refuse to enforce our Immigration Laws. There the terrorists can safely wait for orders to carryout the next 911 style attack on our Country.


Ralph Peters


AMERICA’S enemies smell blood and it’s type “O.”

All new administrations stumble a bit as they seek their footing. But President Obama’s foreign-policy botches have set new records for instant incompetence.

Contrary to left-wing myths, I wasn’t a fan of the Bush administration. (I called for Donald Rumsfeld to get the boot in mid-2001.) But fair’s fair. Despite his many faults, Bush sought to do good. Obama just wants to look good.

Vice President Dick Cheney was arrogant. Vice President Joe Biden is arrogant and stupid. Take your pick.

Don’t worry about the new administration’s ideology. Worry about its terrifying naivete.

Consider a sampling of the goofs O and his crew have made in just two months:

China: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (you know that gal married to the Saudi hireling) crawled to Beijing to tell the party bosses that human rights don’t matter. Our “relationship” is more important than freedom and human dignity.

Beijing’s response? A staged military confrontation with an unarmed US Navy vessel; continued screw-America currency cheating; a renewed crackdown on dissidents and, yesterday, a call for a new global currency to replace the dollar.

Thanks, Hill. You’re a sweetheart.

Pakistan: With viral corruption throughout and Islamist fanatics sweeping half of its territory, Pakistan’s coming apart. Its Dem-adored prez tries to ban opposition parties and gut the judiciary. It has nukes and seethes with hatred of America. And Islamabad controls our primary supply route into Afghanistan, using it as an extortion tool.

Obama’s response? Billions in new aid for Pak pols to pocket. We’d be better off handing the money to AIG to pay out more bonuses.

Afghanistan: Obama’s Vietnam. Am I the only American who remembers that candidate Obama had a plan to capture Osama bin Laden and fix our previous “mistakes” in Afghanistan? President Obama doesn’t have a clue.

Iran: Obama tried to reach out, to talk. After all, talking got him to the White House. But America-bashing is what keeps Iran’s leaders in office, it’s their political essence. After 30 years of fierce hostility, hasn’t anyone figured out that the senior mullahs need us as an enemy? Without the Great Satan America to blame, they’d have some real explaining to do to their homies. So O got the left-hand finger.

He wanted to chat with the Taliban, too. They told him he could stick it where the sun don’t shine.

North Korea: Obama wanted a fresh start. North Korea’s response? Threats of war with South Korea and the kidnapping of two American journalists. And the renewed pursuit of weapons of mass destruction, along with rocket tests.

Cuba: Obama would like to liberalize our relationship. The Castro boys told him to kiss off. They need an enemy, too. (Dear Mr. President: It’s not always about us or how evil America is.)

Venezuela: Guess who else needs an enemy?

Mexico: The good news: Obama knows where it is on a map and recognizes that Mexico’s government faces a narco-insurgency that threatens our country, too. His first action? Cave to the Teamsters, violate a lawful treaty on cross-border trucking, reignite fading anti-Americanism and undercut President Felipe Calderon.

Poland: Obama’s stance on our bravest ally on the European continent? The Russians are more important than you are. He’s sending the same message to Ukraine and Georgia.

Russia: Bolshie Biden, the commuting commissar, knows he’s the man who can turn Russia into our best pal. After “Friend of Bill” Strobe Talbott tried and failed disastrously. And after poor W saw into Putin’s soul, only to get his butt handed to him. “Uncle Joe” Biden has nothing to learn from past failures, though: He’s got a re-set button.

Moscow’s response to the Obama administration’s bid for a new start? It threatens NATO members it once occupied and continues to back Iran’s nuclear program. Plus, it bribes Kyrgystan to kick us off the critical-to-Afghanistan Manas airbase (then offers to help replace that supply lifeline, giving Russia a choke-hold on our troops).

Next, the Kremlin threatens massive re-armament and demands the abandonment of the dollar as the international reserve currency.

Obama’s response? Push that re-set button again. And again.

At what point does naivete become cowardice?

As for our allies, Obama apparently needs them less than Bush did. O treated Britain’s prime minister like the deputy Paraguayan veterinary inspector, and he blindsided the leaders of the Czech Republic, Poland, Mexico and Canada on issues ranging from missile defense to trade. But he’d like them to take the Gitmo terrorists off our hands, please.

The one bright spot thus far has been Iraq, where Obama quickly tossed aside his campaign promises. The O-man doesn’t want to be on the blame-line for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory in Baghdad. And his supporters can throw all the tantrums they want. (Breaking news, folks: O’s a professional pol, not the messiah . . . )

Apart from Iraq a success Sen. Obama did all he could to prevent his foreign policy’s an instant wasteland. By comparison, the Carter administration is starting to look like a model of manly strength, courage and patriotism.

Ralph Peters recently became Fox News’ first “strategic analyst.”