Is Obama’s TIMID Response to North Korea Worse Than No Response At All? Is Obama’s Foreign Policy Flaccid?

US Will Not Use Force To Inspect North Korean Ship

By KWANG-TAE KIM, Associated Press Writer Kwang-tae Kim, Associated Press Writer 1 hr 40 mins ago

SEOUL, South Korea – The United States will not use force to inspect a North Korean ship suspected of carrying banned goods, an American official was quoted as saying Friday.

An American destroyer has been shadowing the North Korean freighter sailing off China’s coast, possibly on its way to Myanmar.

Defense Undersecretary Michele Flournoy met with South Korean officials in Seoul on Friday as the U.S. sought international support for aggressively enforcing a U.N. sanctions resolution aimed at punishing Pyongyang for its second nuclear test last month. The North Korean-flagged ship, Kang Nam 1, is the first to be tracked under the U.N. resolution.

North Korea has in response escalated threats of war, with a slew of harsh rhetoric including warnings that it would unleash a “fire shower of nuclear retaliation” and “wipe out the (U.S.) aggressors” in the event of a conflict.

On Thursday, the communist regime organized a massive anti-American rally in Pyongyang where some 100,000 participants vowed to “crush” the U.S. One senior speaker told the crowd that the North will respond to any sanctions or U.S. provocations with “an annihilating blow.”

That was seen as a pointed threat in response to the American destroyer.

timid – 3 dictionary results:  1. lacking in self-assurance, courage, or bravery; easily alarmed; timorous; shy, 2. characterized by or indicating fear: a timid approach to a problem. 3. fearful, fainthearted. See cowardly.
Or is flaccid a better term for Obama’s foreign policy?
flaccid – 6 dictionary results: adjective,  1. soft and limp; not firm; flabby: flaccid biceps. 2. lacking force; weak: flaccid prose. 3. Lacking firmness, resilience, or muscle tone. See Synonyms at limp. 4. Lacking vigor or energy: flaccid management. 5. Yielding to pressure for want of firmness and stiffness; soft and weak; limber; lax; drooping; flabby; as, a flaccid muscle; flaccid flesh. 6. not firm or stiff; also : lacking normal or youthful firmness.   

2 Responses

  1. Thanks for sharing an interesting and timely post. It will be interesting to see if and when Mr. Obama decides to take a page out of President Reagan’s playbook instead of twirling his thumbs.

    McAuleys World: You are welcome. For those unfamiliar with Reagan’s strengths in foreign policy consider this, on November 4, 1979 a radical group of students seized the American Embassy in Iran and took 52 Americans hostage and held them for 444 days. President Jimmy Carter “twiddled his thumbs” helplessly while Iran thumbed its nose at the US, the International Treaties which protected Embassy staff from such actions and the Koran, which specifically forbade the despicaple act. On January 20, 1999, just minutes after Ronald Reagan was sworn in as President, the American hostages were released.

  2. Flaccid, definitely. Why do you think Michelle always has that horrible scowl on her face? He’s busy f&*(ing up the country and not her. Yep, flaccid.

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